Auto Repair

Insurance for your business

Know Your Risks

Auto repair businesses face many risks every time a customer car enters the lot. Whether you provide regular tune-ups and maintenance, install new transmissions or return cars to their former glory, things can go wrong putting you at risk. 

What can go wrong? Lots of things. A mechanic could damage a customer’s car while moving it in the garage. A fire could break out, causing damage to your building and several customer vehicles.  One of your employees could trip and fall, hurting themselves. Any number of things can happen, but there are insurance coverages to protect you.   

With a brief consultation, our small business insurance team will recommend the right insurance tools to protect you. Based on the specific nature of your operation, this includes a customized program from the following menu of insurance coverages:

  • Business Owner’s Policy, which would include Property & Casualty & General Liability
  • General Liability (as a separate policy)
  • Property & Casualty (as a separate policy)
  • Worker’s Compensation
  • Commercial Auto
  • Umbrella
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Cyber
  • Surety Bond Programs

Want to learn more? Contact our small business risk experts.

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  Click here to download a free checklist for your auto repair business.

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