Auto Insurance

Protect your business

Coverage Overview

Commercial Auto insurance protects your business vehicles in the same way that your personal auto insurance does. However, your business-owned vehicles likely face more risk than does your own car, especially since they probably feature your business name for all to see on the road.

Do you need Commercial Auto insurance?

Commercial Auto insurance is applicable to any vehicles used for business purposes. If your vehicles are equipped with special features, you may need added liability coverage. Auto coverage for your small business ensures that you, your employees, other individuals, your vehicles and your business are fully protected from:

  • Bodily injury and property damage to a third party
  • Accidents caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers
  • Physical damage to owned, rented, hired or employee vehicles
  • Accident Benefits for you, your employees and any other passengers
  • Theft and damage

Want to learn more? Contact our small business risk experts. 

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