Crime Coverage

Protect your business

Crime Coverage

Small businesses have a significant exposure to various types of fraud, including employee dishonesty, unauthorized computer access and social engineering. Even the most diligent hiring practices, sophisticated computer security and best practices in terms of financial controls can be undermined by the creative fraudster. Frauds of confidence and deception can be difficult to detect, and by the time they are discovered, the theft may have been ongoing for years.

Crime policies can address:

  • Employee theft
  • Employee theft from clients
  • Audit expense
  • Computer fraud and electronic funds transfer fraud
  • Social engineering fraud

Historically, many small businesses have looked to the crime extension in their commercial insurance package policy to address these risks. Unfortunately, these extensions may be inadequate, so you should strongly consider a separate crime policy.

More than 33% of crime losses in Canada exceed $1 million, so it's important to understand the insurance options available to help protect your balance sheet.

Want to learn more? Contact our small business risk experts.

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