Mandy Ougheltree Chief Operating Officer

Mandy Ougheltree
Chief Operating Officer
Every day I have the opportunity to add value to small business owners, which I find both exciting and motivating. As the Director of Operations, I ensure our clients have a “best in class service experience,” with efficient internal procedures. I’m very passionate about making our operation so efficient it looks easy, and is easy for our clients. Knowing our clients rely on us to deliver insurance they can count on drives our entire operation.

Service is a big deal to me, both at work and in my spare time. I am a frequent volunteer at local schools, church, homeless shelters and our local food pantry. Believe it or not, my two favorite foods are tofu (really) and donuts, and I enjoy baking with my family. So it’s probably a good thing I love to run with my dog. I also enjoy listening to music by Lenny Kravitz and my favorite movie is The Breakfast Club, which is a lot like Gallagher Small Business because it has a little something for everyone and never fails to satisfy.